Saturday, January 27, 2007

Logo innovation- where the road leads.

On another message board I've been part of for a number of years, I posed a question that was left unanswered:

Where is design going in terms of trends?

For example, in the late '90s the trend for television station logos, and a few others, were circular. Look at ABC. There was a "swoop" movement, if you will, among companies. This filtered into the church logos, with having a swoop (still visible on GoogleEarth's view of the Dallas church), and others.

So that got me thinking- where is the next level of logo design going to take us? Shortly my question was answered when logos became symmetrical, able to fit inside a simple square (round does fit in a square), or a variation of a shape that fits into a simple block. These logos are infinitely useful in a web environment for a few reasons.

Squares fit nicely into sidebars on web pages. Squares can be shrunk so they can fit on web browsers in the address bars. Also look great as an icon.

In the coming years, what will be the logo trend? Will we revert back to pure text logos that feature unique typefaces? Not practical for current web technology, but anything can be fixed. What about the move to mobile technology? Will logos be useful when surfing the web on your BlackBerry or PDA or BlackJack?

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