Friday, January 30, 2009

Jack of all trades

Some of my favorite quotes & why:

"Your scientists were so preoccupied if they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
Source: Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) in Jurassic Park.
Reference: During the lunch table discussion of the scientific power used to create the park and its inhabitants.
Why I like it: It is a great filter to make decisions, directly major ones. Look at the financial crisis- just because you can lend money to thousands of risky home buyers doesn't mean you should. Who did the SWOT analysis on that one?

"640 k ought to be enough for anyone."
Source: Anonymous, although incorrectly applied to Bill Gates
Reference: Hardware configurations in the early 80's, and the software to use said hardware.
Why I like it: A great urban myth that attributes Bill G. to a short-sighted quote. The quote, regardless of who said it (or if anyone actually did), serves as a reminder to look at the horizon, not at your shoes, when walking down a path. Myopic vision also introduces walls, restrictions, and a short-term solution.

"You determine the level of your involvement."
Source: Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), Fight Club
Reference: The Narrator finally catches on to what Tyler and his "Project Mayhem" initiative.
Why I like it: It applies to so many things. Political causes. Volunteer work. Paid work. Relationships. Learning. No one can make you do anything great in life. People can help you, mentor, guide, and support, but ultimately you are the one who puts in the effort.

And lastly, almost anything from Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey:
"Garage sale. $10 marked down to $6.50" - Referring to "antique Tiffany" frame
"I don't know whether to pet it, or scrape it off and bury it!" - About co-worker's bad toupee
"Did you see that? He struck the child." - His son was given "birthday" punches by his ex-wife's boyfriend (go ahead, read it again if you have to.)
"I have unpaid parking tickets. Be gentle." - Revealing his glove box stuffed with parking tickets
"Do you mind!? I'm kicking my ass!" - Beating himself up in a courtroom bathroom to avoid a trial, since he can't lie for a day (apparently bad thing to happen to lawyers)
"That's just what ugly people say." - Debunking the "myth" of "Real beauty is on the inside"

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