Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Live in infamy.

Who's today's bad guys?

It's companies. Conglomerates. Look at tv. Lost. Fringe. Prison Break. Movies: Resident Evil, Blindness, Flash of Genius. The bad guy is some non-descript corporate entity bent on covering up mistakes or maximizing profits and power.

Coming up in the chain is governments, particularly the military side. 28 Days Later, Children of Men, The Unit. Government agencies running unchecked, running their own agenda.

Now I know this is fiction-based material, with the notable few exceptions (Flash of Genius), but the creative possibilities mixed with true stories bring up rabbit-trail line of thinking.

And based on my experience, it won't be too long before the quote "And I can see Russia from my house," by Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin becomes fully attributed to the Governor. Because we know who the real bad guys are.

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