Monday, August 4, 2008

Blog title goes here.

A story published by a central news agency* talked about the segregation still present in churches. I find it hard to believe it is still solely a racial thing. People usually go to the churches their parents go to. It's a comfort thing; but that's speculation.

I don't have hard facts. I didn't read the whole article. The authors (don't even know if it was one, two, or the ubiquitous et. al.) seem intent on showing everyone how racist we (America) still is.

If the media brings up a topic constantly, that's all the public will ever see. I'm not saying America doesn't have a racial problem, but if everyone points out the spot on your shirt, that's all you'll ever see. I'm saying the public will always see the problem, whether it exists or not, and nothing more. No solution. No alternative. No questions.

When the "problem" arises in our own life, we tend to be hyper-sensitive and focus on the perception of the "problem" rather than being ourselves and conducting relationships with the utmost character and integrity.

I don't mean to trivialize racism, as it is a horrible scar to bear in history, but think about this: Pete Rose. What was he- a gambler or baseball player? And how do you know this?

*no link because it will cement the notion as fact.

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