Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I would've got him 10! (Liar Liar)

Here's an idea: what would you do if you didn't care about what others would think? What really confines your creative juices, shuts down the creative process?

Asking the question: Do we really want to do that? Or maybe this one- People really won't like that, will they?

True creativity doesn't get boxed in by questions. Sometimes creativity goes horribly wrong. But I'm not discussing bad creativity. Just the process itself. To keep creative moments and ideas, the creative leads can't abandon an idea because it may not fit within the traditional experience.

Whatever new elements you can use to get your message across is a creative moment. If repeated efforts of the same medium are used, the message will become bland and stagnant. Inspiration can come from many aspects in our life. Media is a great influence. Architecture, web design, clothing. The creative filter of your mind absorbs the sights and sounds around us to come up with something fresh and innovative.

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