Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tools. Real ones, not people.

I'm moving my blogging feeds over to Bloglines as my reader. I was running all blogs through email, but the subscription process was waaaaay too long.

Some blogs that are on my list are a bit different. Guy Kawasaki, for one. Brand Autopsy is another. And then I have Wired. Not the usual church-related blogs, but the topics each blog cover are influential in our lives.

I'm a MS OS user. Mainly because it's widespread and cheap. Mac products are expensive and I'd rather spend a quarter of the cost on a dependable product that I know how to fix and (more importantly) can fix. But that's not to say Mac products are dumb. Quite the opposite. Intuitive and innovative, some successful components that were exclusively Mac have morphed into the PC side.

I have RocketDock on my machines. Just like Apple's quick dock. Only on a PC. Here is where I can throw my most commonly used programs in an easily accessible spot. With Rocket Dock running, I can auto hide my taskbar, getting rid of that ugly clock/date/systray area.

I also have Google Desktop running, which has similar widgets like Apple. I have my calendar, weather, and wiki search running on my auto-hide desktop. It's pretty handy, although adding events onto my Google calendar doesn't lend itself to transparency. Yet.

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