Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well isn't that special?

I did an online survey for CBS, figured that's the least I can do since I watch some shows on there. Seemed a little long, and definitely NOT written by an English major.

One question asked if I remembered any advertisements during the show. Hmmm. Nope. I switch (alt + tab) to FreeCell during commercials, or I read a blog or two. I'm a pretty passive viewer.

Another question asked if there were ways to improve the viewing experience. Yup. Make it more like Hulu.com. Video pop-outs, dim the "lights" (browser), etc. Oh, and put Big Bang Theory online.

It took about 5 minutes, and they didn't ask a question that I though might be pertinent: Do I currently subscribe to Cable/Satellite TV, or have standard broadcast, or neither?

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