Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Idea...and Soccer Moms aren't going to be happy

With the recent closures of Hwy 2 and I-90 for safety reasons, the traffic has been diverted to White Pass, in Central WA. In times of emergency such as this (unexpected closures), WSDOT should suspend carpool restrictions. The added load on the system could lead (and probably does) to more accidents.

I have an idea for troubled on-ramps, since many drivers have a difficult time merging. But it requires artwork (to be done later).

Future recommendations on changing the commute (other than adding more lanes):
1) Carpool lanes are designed to eliminate the number of vehicles on the road. So carpool means 2 or more licensed drivers in the vehicle. That means no mini-vans with kids. Drivers with kids are not carpooling. They are chauffeuring. Kids don't have an option to commuting. And they don't drive.

2) Allow people who commute 20+ miles (one way) the option to pay to use the carpool lane. For people who drive 20+ miles, WSDOT should provide a sticker for the window (so WSP doesn't pull them over), and include a RFID or GPS sensor that WSDOT can track to ensure the commuter actually drives that far. The application process would require a valid living address and work address that is 20+ miles apart. $20 a month for this option.

2a) Obviously some will try to cheat the system. WSP would have the option to spot-check the sticker cars. Those who cheat the system loose their car and license for a month. Give a high deterrent. And if they are caught again, revoke their license for an entire year with a $5,000 fine.

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